Kefi Club Events for 2024-25 Season

Meetings are held at Rushwick Village Hall at 7.30 pm on Fridays. This season's events calendar is as follows:

October 18

'Murder, passion, betrayal, revenge: how ancient Greek drama made these entertaining' An illustrated talk by Bob Stone.

November 15


December 13

Christmas Dinner
This event will be in the Green Dragon, Malvern.

January 24

'Alexander the Great: how he conquered the world and what happened next' An illustrated talk by Judith and Peter Bates.

February 21

Greek Food Evening
Members may bring Greek dishes which they have prepared themselves or alternatively just come and enjoy the food provided by others. An excellent opportunity for new members or visitors to come along and taste a variety of Greek dishes.

March 21

'My house in Crete Part3' An illustrated talk by Chris Lloyd.

April 11

'Greece: Language and National Identity' An illustrated talk by Nick Kontarines.

May 17

Social Evening: Wine Cheese and Good Company

Christmas 2021

Christmas Dinner 2021