Welcome to the Kefi Club

A social group for lovers of Greece and all things Greek

A Message from the Chairman of the Kefi Club

The committee has reluctantly decided that, in view of the decreasing numbers of members and attendees, the Kefi Club is no longer viable in the long term, and this 'season' (October to May 2024-2025 ) will be the Club's last - failing any surge of interest that might make us able to continue into future years.

For the next few months we shall hold fairly regular meetings as usual - assuming that there is a speaker available and promised numbers make the meeting worthwhile - at which those attending will, as usual, pay £3.00 towards the food and drink. There is enough money accumulated in the Club's account to cover the costs of the Rushwick village hall bookings, as well as the Club's website, and so there is no need for an annual subscription from members this year.

It will be a sad moment when the Kefi Club ceases to be, but many of us have had great fun with the Club for many years and we shall always be grateful to Nick Kontarines for founding it and running it, as secretary, for so long. All good things, alas, must come to an end. But let's make the most of the meetings we have left!

Bob Stone (Chairman)

Our 2024-2025 programme is now complete. Check our Calendar to see what we have planned .

Boat in Kefalonia

The Greek word 'kefi', which means good humour, perfectly describes the tone of the club. We meet monthly from October to June on Friday evenings at Rushwick Village Hall

About seven of our meetings centre on talks by club members or invited speakers on Greece-related subjects including for example: ancient and recent history, mythology and its impact, ancient philosophy, art and music, life and travel in Greece today and, by no means least, Greek food. Occasionally we hold a quiz evening. Meetings start at 7:30pm and in line with Greek tradition there is a break for light refreshment with, optionally, Greek beer or wine.

On a more festive note we intersperse these meetings with evenings bringing out the excellence of Greek cuisine. In December we have a club Christmas dinner, in April we hold a Greek cookery evening which generates ample food for everyone, and the club year ends in July with a Greek-style barbecue.

We also organise occasional visits to the British Museum and other museums and, as one might guess, Greek restaurants.

If you are interested in joining or would like more information try the Contact us page.